Preparation for Your Treatment

There is more to cosmetic and medical micropigmentation, SPMU, and PMU than having your procedure, the preparation and aftercare are every bit as important as the pigment being implanted. We believe that looking after your health and skin before and after treatment will give you the best opportunity for beautiful and long-lasting results you can be proud of.

We want you to be relaxed, comfortable and ready for your appointment and when we work together, we can achieve the very best. Before your appointment, you will be given steps to follow on the lead up to your procedure. We will either email or text these, but you can find a summary below:


Your treatment specialist is experienced and qualified to advise you on your necessary aftercare. We know that looking after your skin, especially in the days following your treatment, is key to developing the results you want with no complications. Therefore, we will give you instructions which you must follow for the results to be complete and at their very best.

Once you leave our sterile clinic, it is over to you to manage the healing process. We ask that you trust our experience and expertise to guide you through the process to beautiful, healed results.

Preparation FAQs

Aftercare FAQs